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Project supported by the Research Project of Islamic Azad University, Urmia Branch.
We employed ab-initio calculations to investigate the structural and thermodynamic properties of Massicot or orthorhombic phase of PbO named β-PbO using the projector augmented-wave (PAW) method within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The temperature and pressure dependence of bulk modulus, heat capacity at constant pressure and constant volume, entropy, thermal expansion coefficient and Grüneisen parameter were discussed. Accuracy of two different models, the Debye and Debye–Grüneisen which are based on the quasi-harmonic approximation (QHA) for producing thermodynamic properties of material were compared. According to calculation results, these two models can be used to designate thermodynamic properties for β-PbO with sensible accuracy over a wide range of temperatures and pressures, and our work on the properties of this structure will be useful for more deeply understanding various properties of this structure.
Due to the particular properties, lead monoxide (PbO) has been used as an industrial material for various technological applications and as a constituent in electronic devices, paints, gas sensors, x-ray cathodes, electrophotography, laser technology, pigments and storage batteries, radiological medical protective clothing, ointments and plasters, etc.
Two existing polymorphs of PbO with respect to temperature and pressure are α-PbO (litharge) and β-PbO (massicot).[1–5] The red α-PbO with a tetragonal two-dimensional layer structure is stable at ambient pressures and lower temperatures while the yellow β-PbO has an orthorhombic chain structure and is stable at higher temperatures. The temperature around 860 K is the transition temperature between two phases of PbO. This transition temperature has been studied by many researchers and there are some discrepancies about this value which originates from slow kinetics of the reaction. The stability of these phases is susceptible to impurities and temperature.
According to other studies,[6] the simulation and modeling methods are considered as supplements to experimental studies, and can be used instead of traditional time consuming and trial and error methods. These methods can help our understanding of various properties of materials under specific conditions particularly high temperatures and pressures.
The evolutions of thermodynamic and structural properties at high pressures and high temperatures are of significant importance in modern technologies which experimentally encounter with difficulties, since it is difficult to measure the mentioned properties under these conditions. Furthermore, the change in volume due to changes in temperature and pressure, eventuates in phonon property variations which relate to elastic constants and some properties of crystals such as entropy, specific heat, etc. High pressure results in the phase transition and the variation of mechanical and thermodynamic properties of solids. Further understanding of bulk modulus, Poisson’s ratio, Young’s modulus, and elastic constants is important for finding mechanical properties. In order to shed more light on experimental work, many theoretical studies by various research groups have been accomplished. Most of them used ab initio studies based on the traditional density functional theory (DFT) for investigating structural and thermodynamic properties of materials in the wide range of pressures and temperatures.[7–14]
In order to investigate the effects of pressure and temperature on both phases of PbO and the phase transition between them, some theoretical and experimental studies for lead monoxide have been performed at various temperatures and pressures. Few theoretical ones are performed on the properties at high temperature and pressure using first principles phonon calculations. The methods to investigate these two systems are still a topic of debate. Boher et al.[15] reported a transition from alpha phase to an intermediate phase with an orthorhombic Cmma structure named γ-phase which is stable below 200 K. In this phase the structure is a little distorted. Whereas the difference in the atomic site coordinates between these two structures is almost 0.002 nm, so in most studies this phase is ignored, but according to Adams et al.,[16] α-PbO phase transition to the mentioned distorted phase occurs under pressures 0.7 GPa and 2.5 GPa. This structure is an intermediate phase between alpha and beta phases of PbO. The alpha–beta phase transformation is slow and pressure sensitive. According to White et al.,[17,18] these two phases are in equilibrium at 1 bar (1 bar = 1.0 × 105 Pa) and 813.15 K. In both α-PbO and β-PbO phases, the Pb2+ cations are close to one another provided that anions are placed at various locations. Studies proved that these two phases possess a layer structure and some specifications of molecular crystals due to inert pairs of cations. Canepa et al.[19] have investigated the electronic, structural and dynamic properties of these two phases using LCAO approach within density functional theory framework with various GGA and hybrid functional approximations. They introduced dispersive interactions for calculating cell parameters as a major component of the interaction between layers and demonstrated that the anisotropy of Pb lone-pair orientation within both phases, affects α-PbO more than β-PbO.
In this study, we focus on the structural and thermal properties of β-PbO under high pressure and high temperature employing density functional theory and quasi harmonic approximation. All the calculations have been performed using Debye and the Debye–Grüneisen model.[20] Bulk modulus, specific heat, thermal Debye temperature, thermal expansion coefficient, Grüneisen parameter of beta phase of PbO have been compared.
We have employed density functional theory (DFT) as implemented in the Quantum Espresso package[21] incorporated with plane-wave basis set and ultrasoft pseudopotentials[22] to study the temperature and pressure dependence of thermodynamic properties related to β phase of lead oxide. Exchange and correlation effects are treated by the GGA approach with Perdew–Burke–Eruzerhof (PBE) functional[23] and core electrons are represented explicitly by using Vanderbilt ultrasoft pseudopotentials with a plane-wave function cutoff and energy cutoff of 75 Ry (1 Ry = 13.6056923(12) eV) and 600 Ry, respectively. In order to confirm the convergence of calculations, we attentively verify k-points set, so a grid of 12 × 12 × 12 Monkhorst–Pack[24] of k-points was considered. Besides, the ionic positions and cell shapes of β-PbO are relaxed by employing the Gaussian smearing factor of 0.05 eV. For phonon calculations 12 × 12 × 12 k mesh in the BZ and 80 Ry energy cutoff have been used.
To investigate the thermodynamic properties and phase stability of solids at high temperature and high pressure, we applied a very quick and simple model, the quasi-harmonic Debye model in which the vibrations in a crystal behaved as a gas of non-interacting phonons. For a solid which is described by the relationship of energy and volume, the Gibbs program can estimate the Debye temperature Θ(V) in order to calculate Gibbs free energy and equation of state (EOS) and other thermodynamics relations. The Birch–Murnaghan family of equation of state (EOS) which comes from assuming a polynomial form for the energy, is used for illustration of pressure–volume curves by a third order,[25–27] defining, B = −V(dp/dV); B′ = (dB/dp) and x = (V/V), the third order Birch–Murnaghan takes the form
According to standard thermodynamics the non-equilibrium Gibbs free energy G*(V; P, T) of the crystal phase can be written as follows:
In quasi-harmonic Debye model, the adiabatic bulk modulus is equal to the isothermal bulk modulus BT. Thus it can written in the following equation:
When the volumes at equilibrium are known, some thermodynamic properties can be derived from Eq. (
The Debye–Grüneisen model is applicable in various cases in many senses. In fact, this model is considered as a modified Debye model, which supposes that Debye temperature is a function of density, θD = θD(ρ), and the Grüneisen parameter can be defined as
The quality of energy and vibrational data used for finding thermodynamics properties ascertain the accuracy of calculated results. Since DFT method is usual for these kinds of calculations, so the source of uncertainty relates to exchange–correlation functional parts which are systematic. One of the suggestions for improving the calculations is applying corrections to the static E(V) curve and shifting it. These corrections are called empirical energy corrections (EEC) and are divided in three different corrections: the PSHIFT EEC, the APBAF and the BPSCAL EEC.[34] In all three EECs, the values of free parameters α, Δ p, Bexp, and Vexp are chosen so that the experimental equilibrium volume at room temperature is reproduced. In this work, the PSHIFT EEC is applied to the static energy implemented in all models which is defined as
Using the first principles method, we made the total energy electronic structure calculations to obtain lattice parameters at equilibrium for the lead (II) oxide. Lead monoxide (PbO) exists in one of two lattice formats, tetragonal and orthorhombic. The tetragonal crystal structure is called litharge or alpha lead monoxide. Massicot or beta lead oxide is the orthorhombic variety of PbO. These two crystal structures can be changed to the other form by controlled heating and cooling. For β-phase of lead oxide, the unit cell of the corresponding crystal was considered. The β-phase lead oxide has Pbcm space group with a = 5.49 Å, b = 5.89 Å, and c = 4.75 Å.[24]
All calculations have been shown for both Debye and Debye–Grüneisen models for comparison. In all figures “debye” and “dg” indicate calculations related to “Debye” and “Debye–Grüneisen” models, respectively. In order to determine the equilibrium structure parameters, several volumes have been varied and a set of volumes versus energies were obtained. The calculated (V, E) data were fitted to the Birch-Murnaghan thrid-order EOS for both models and for beta phase. The volume variation versus pressure at different temperatures for β-PbO is presented in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) Variation of volume V (1 Bohr = 5.29 × 10−11m) with pressure (GPa) for β-PbO. |
Through the quasi-harmonic Debye model, the thermodynamic values of various temperatures and pressures are calculated using E–V data at zero pressure and temperature. The thermal properties are calculated in the temperature and pressure ranges 0–1000 K and 0–100 GPa, respectively. Calculation results are presented in the following. According to Fig.
![]() | Table 1. Lattice constants, volume (Bohr3), bulk modulus (B), thermal expansion (α), and entropy for β-PbO at ambient temperatures. . |
The bulk modulus B relates to interatomic potentials and can be found by the second derivative of the internal energy.[30] The pressure dependences of the isothermal bulk modulus for β-PbO for both studied models are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) Pressure dependence of the isothermal bulk modulus of β-PbO at various temperatures. |
The temperature dependence of bulk modulus reflects the anharmonic interactions partially, provided that for a purely harmonic crystal, the bulk modulus would be independent of temperature. The calculated bulk moduli at ambient temperature are listed in Table
Heat capacity Cv and Cp of a substance is another thermodynamic parameter which is important and provides necessary comprehension of vibrational properties. Pressure dependence of heat capacity at constant volume Cv and at constant pressure Cp at different temperatures (T = 0, 250, 510, 760, and 1000 K) are plotted in Figs.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) (a) Heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) and (b) heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) versus pressure for different temperatures for β-PbO. |
By considering Fig.
It is clear that the effect of pressure increment at higher temperatures is more considerable for Cp values in comparison with Cv values. This behavior is the same for both studied models. Furthermore, for both Debye and Debye–Grüneisen model this slope is sharp at high temperatures during pressure increasing. To the best of our knowledge, no theoretical or experimental studies are available for Cp values at high pressures for β-PbO. However, upon pressure increasing, in agreement with other experimental studies,[35] the specific heat falls off.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) and heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) versus temperature for β-PbO. |
The entropy (S) variation with respect to temperature for β-PbO is displayed in Fig.
According to our calculations and Table
The vibration alternations of a crystal lattice can be explained by the Grüneisen parameter (γ) which is based on the change in volume, size and dynamics of lattice as a result of the temperature change. The Grüneisen parameter for β-PbO as a function of temperature at zero pressure and versus pressure for various temperatures is displayed in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) Trends in Grüneisen parameter as a function of (a) temperature and (b) pressure for β-PbO. |
The phase transition from alpha to beta phase which occurs at about 763–837 K[41–44] is critical for inspecting the applicability of the method used in this study in order to understand the behavior of α-PbO. All the same calculations can also be done for α-PbO in the next studies using other models. The consistency between our calculations and other studies gives a good idea about the accuracy and reliability of our present calculations for more thermodynamic and elastic properties of phases of PbO.
First principles calculations within quasi-harmonic approximation have been performed on structural and thermodynamics properties of β-PbO structure over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. Two different models, Debye and Debye–Grüneisen were employed for studying thermodynamic properties. Calculated results for volume, bulk modulus, heat capacity at constant volume and constant pressure and entropy are excellently consistent with available experimental results. The results of Debye model for heat capacity at constant pressure for β-PbO indicate that this method is more reliable for calculating heat capacity.
The discrepancy between some calculated results like heat capacity and entropy with experimental values might rise from the approximation which is made at high temperature in quasi-harmonic Debye model. According to the high percentage agreement of our calculations and other studies, this method can be used for finding Gr¨uneisen parameter and other thermodynamic properties at high pressure and temperature of Massicot with reasonable accuracy. Since most of the studies for thermodynamics properties of PbO are old and few, further investigations are required for comprehending these properties under various conditions. Furthermore, these results motivate more experimental and theoretical studies on both phases of PbO, α-PbO and β-PbO. In addition, more endeavors are necessary for making the simulation results of the high pressure and temperature better.
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